
Roasted Superseed Snacks Combo - Pack of 6

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Healthy Treat's Roasted Superseed Snacks Combo is the ultimate assortment of delicious and nutritious seed-based treats, perfect for satisfying your cravings and fueling your body with essential nutrients.

✅ Perfectly roasted for maximum flavor

✅ Nutrient-dense superseed mix

✅ Sweet, savory, and tangy taste varieties

✅ Ideal for on-the-go snacking

Don't miss out on this unbeatable combo! Click "Add to Cart" and elevate your snacking game with Healthy Treat's Roasted Superseed Snacks Combo.

Net Weight - 750 gm


  • Roasted Watermelon Seed- Sweet and Sour   125 gm
  • Roasted Watermelon Seed- Classic  125 gm
  • Roasted Flax Seed - jeera ajwain  150 gm
  • Roasted 5 in 1 Superseed Mix with Cranberry  150 gm
  • Roasted 5 in 1 Superseed Mix  150 gm
  • Roasted Pumpkin Seed - Peri Peri  150 gm


🟢 Supports immune system
🟢 Packed with antioxidants
🟢 Boosts energy levels
🟢 Heart-healthy choice
🟢 Rich in fiber
🟢 Source of plant-based protein
🟢 Promotes healthy digestion


Let's get you answered

Depending on your daily calorie consumption, a handful of roasted seed mix should enough as a nutritious snack. Remember, seeds are high in calories, so a little goes a long way!

There are several ways to enjoy roasted seed mixture! You may eat it plain, sprinkle it on salads, or combine it with yoghurt. The options are limitless! Simply figure out what works best for you and your taste buds.

Where do we even begin? Roasted seeds are high in critical vitamins and minerals, as well as protein and fibre. They're also heart-healthy , making them an excellent snack for individuals trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

Without a doubt! Eating roasted seeds every day may be a fantastic addition to your diet as long as you keep track of your daily calorie consumption. They make excellent evening snacks, quick and easy snacks, light evening snacks, and evening snack ideas. They're also great for road trip snacks, late-night snack ideas, late-night snacks for weight loss, healthy dorm snacks, post-workout snacks, and healthy pantry snacks. Just be careful not to overdo it and enjoy in moderation!